Episode 008: Childhood Trauma with Dr. Ivy Bonk

Dr. Ivy Bonk joins us to discuss childhood trauma and how it affects learning. We also touch on the possibilities for social and educational reform using social-emotional education.

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About Dr. Ivy Bonk

Educational Psychology | MBA | Certification of Neurosequential Modeling in Education

Childhood trauma expert, Dr. Ivy Bonk is the President of Every Child Whole. It is her heart for social justice and love of problem-solving that drives her commitment to the charge of social and system reformation. Through the unique combination of Dr. Ivy’s education and experience as a business strategist coupled with her training and advanced education as an educational psychologist with a research focus on childhood trauma, she is equipped with a unique ability to see the disconnects and design the strategies and solutions to address. She is author of The Day Trauma Came to Class and architect of The Lost Child Theory and proud to be a part NME Certified Trainer Group with The Neurosequential Network.

Dr. Ivy’s Book - LOST: Finding My Way Back to a Place I’ve Never Been